
The proceedings will be published as part of the IAU Symposia series. The contributions will be mildly refereed. The deadline for submitting your contribution is

15 November 2023

The page limits are as follows

Invited Reviews: 16 pages
Invited Talks: 12 pages
Contributed Talks: 6 pages
Posters: 2 pages

(Posters will appear in the electronic proceedings only. Note that figures will appear in colour in the electronic proceedings but in black and white in the printed version.)


To prepare, please download the latex macro (link below). (Don’t use the ones on the IAU website: those are still being updated and they may not work on current versions of latex.) If you prefer to work on overleaf, upload this iau.cls file to your work area. It is recommended to avoid pdftex – it produces a pdf form which the submission can’t always cope with. If you did use it, open the resulting pdf file and export as another pdf file and it may work.

An IAU style guide is included in the downloads. There is also an example file kindly prepared by one of the editors.

Please don’t change the font or page layout.


To submit, use and select the Symposium S384 from the drop down menu. The system is not entirely obvious to use. Upload the pdf of the manuscript as ‘main document’, and as many latex source files and figures as needed. You also need to upload the iau.cls file! You will be asked to submit files in sets of threes. After every set it will try to compile, possibly fail, and then you have the chance to upload the rest of the files. At some point it should tell you which files are still missing. Go to the bottom of the page to find the place to upload those.

When submitting a poster, please include the pdf of the poster itself as ‘supplementary’.

An ORCID number is required during the submission for the main author: if you do not have one, please create one at Co-authors are searched for by email: if that does not find the rioght person, you are given the option to ‘create’ a new co-author.

Before submission, do check the proofs as not everything may have gone right!

Post submission

You are encouraged to upload your submitted contribution to ArXiV.

Aftrer submission, your submission will be reviewed and some changes may be requested. Please don’t be tardy since the editorshave been given a strict deadline. Eventually your paper will be accepted. At that point you will also receive an email with a copyright form to fill in.

Links and downloads The IAU latex macros. It also includes the style guide
Keywords.tex List of keywords
Example.tex An example latex file for these proceedings
sed.jpg Figure used in the Example file (for you to keep!) The place for submission of the manuscript